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Disinfection of Public Water Supplies (W-01e)
Core Water Disciplines
Disinfection of Public Water Supplies (W-01e)
Safeguarding the quality of the public’s drinking water is a basic class topic for water treatment and distribution operators. This class focuses on the essentials of the history of disinfection, federal regulations, drinking water...
Groundwater and Wells (W-103e)
Core Water Disciplines
Groundwater and Wells (W-103e)
This class serves as a review of the basic principles of hydrogeology as it pertains to drinking water operators nationwide. Topics include groundwater quality, well design and construction, aquifer testing, well yields, groundwater exploration,...
Water Treatment Process Controls (W-154e)
Core Water Disciplines
Water Treatment Process Controls (W-154e)
Water Treatment Technology Review (W-25e)
Core Water Disciplines
Water Treatment Technology Review (W-25e)
This session is designed to provide Operators with a general overview of Wastewater Technology. An introductory overview follows 8 chapters which review conventional surface water treatment plant technologies.
Waterworks Safety (W-39e)
Core Water Disciplines
Waterworks Safety (W-39e)
Small Water Systems (W-44e)
Core Water Disciplines
Small Water Systems (W-44e)
Sampling Procedures (W-51e)
Core Water Disciplines
Sampling Procedures (W-51e)
This class is designed to coincide with the actual duties of a drinking water operator as they relate to compliance with the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Students will study general aspects of sample collections, safety in the...
Sampling Procedures (natural voice) (W-51env)
Core Water Disciplines
Sampling Procedures (natural voice) (W-51env)
This class is designed to coincide with the actual duties of a drinking water operator as they relate to compliance with the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Students will study general aspects of sample collections, safety in the...
Pumps & Motors (WD-02e)
Water Distribution
Pumps & Motors (WD-02e)
The focus of this class is on the theory and operation of kinetic energy centrifugal pumps. It is an intensive introduction and practical application review on the basic operation of a centrifugal pumps and their application in the water...
Water Distribution Mathematics Grade 2 (WD-05.G2e)
Water Distribution
Water Distribution Mathematics Grade 2 (WD-05.G2e)

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